推荐| 九部写作参考书
Dunleavy P. 2003, Authoring a PhD Thesis: How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation, Red Globe Press (博士论文)
Evans D, Gruba P, Zobel J, 2014 How to write a better thesis, 3rd ed., Springer (博士论文)
Lipson C,2005,How to Write a B.A. Thesis: A Practical Guide from Your First Ideas to Your Finished Paper,Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Spring (学士论文)
Murray R. 2006, How to Write a Thesis, 2nd Edition,Open University Press,McGraw-Hill Education, Berkshire (博士论文,硕士论文)
吴子牛,白晨媛,2020,学位论文写作,北航出版社,北京 (博士论文,硕士论文,学士论文) 期刊论文写作 === Robert A. Day 1998 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, ORYX Publisher (该书很全面,包括了期刊论文写作、学位论文写作和其它一些形式写作,见图1) Robert A. Day, Barbara Gastel, 2011, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 7th Edition,Greenwood
George M Hall,2012 How To Write a Paper, 5th Edition, Wiley & Blackwell.
John Morley, Academic Phrasebank, 2014b edition,The University of Manchester. (该书针对论文的各部分给出了句型,相当于手把手地教如何书写论文的每一部分和每一元素)
由于数学论文的特殊性,可以阅读以下链接了解有哪些特殊要求: Reiter A. 1995 Writing a Research Paper in Mathematics, September 12, 1995, http://web.mit.edu/jrickert/www/mathadvice.html
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排版 | 琳月
校对 | 白博士